Register Now! - Mission Imposi-Spill: “Rogue Discharge"
Don't miss out and register now for our complimentary Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers Webinar Series!
Our seventh webinar of the year is titled: Mission Imposi-Spill: “Rogue Discharge". The webinar will take place on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm via Zoom.
YOU JUST HAD A SPILL! What is your first step? Who is your first phone call? What records need to be kept? What records are privileged?
Stay calm, and remember: What would Willms & Shier do (WWWSD)?
When a contaminant spills into the natural environment, both federal and provincials environmental laws can apply. Regulators (wait, there's more than one?) can hold the transporter, site owner, and/or the owner of the contaminant responsible for a multitude of actions, including reporting, clean-up, notifying neighbours, and even paying the final clean-up bill. Municipalities may have additional requirements for spill reporting and response. Spills can lead to prosecutions, orders, and civil lawsuits – not to mention reputational risk.
Join Richard Butler and Sydney Smith as they walk you step by step through the anatomy of a spill, including topics like: including best practices for spills response, how to develop spill prevention and contingency plans, keeping regulators and insurance carriers in the loop, and the ever expanding scope of director liability.
To register for the webinar, click here.