CANECT 2024 - Environmental Issues: Air Quality, Climate Change, and Decarbonization

On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, John Georgakopoulos will be co-chairing the CANECT Course titled - Environmental Issues: Air Quality, Climate Change, and Decarbonization with Brad Bergeron from RWDI.

The following will be guest speakers for the course:

  • Matt Costigane, RWDI
  • Andrew Hejnar, MSc, P.Eng., CEM, CEA, CRM, CPEnMS, SEP PV
  • Annik White, RWDI
  • Mike Williams, RWDI
  • Jacquelyn Stevens, Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP
  • Amanda Spitzig, Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP.

For more information on the course and to register, click here.
