APPA 2017 - Triple Bottom Line Achievements Through Energy Savings and Energy Performance Contracts


From July 21-23, 2017, Carl McKay will be presenting at the APPA 2017: Leadership in Educational Facilities Conference in San Francisco, California.

Carl will be presenting along side Gary Nower from Wilfred Laurier University and Edward Ng from Ernst & Young.  Their presentation is titled: Triple Bottom Line Achievements Through Energy Savings and Energy Performance Contracts.

The presentation focuses on Sustainability/Utility Reduction.

The impacts of deferred maintenance, the importance of sustainability and regulatory requirements prompted Laurier to complete an RFQ/RFP process to engage an energy services company to design and implement a multiā€ campus energy management program with the goal of conserving energy, reducing emissions, saving money and establishing a micro grid.  This approach is a new and unconventional approach to procuring energy management services which can enhance triple bottom line results and drive additional value.

For more information on this conference and to register, please click here.
