Air Law

Federal, provincial, and municipal laws all play a role in regulating the discharge of emissions into the air. These laws span from the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions to the safeguarding of air quality in the natural environment and indoors, including the management and mitigation of the emission of contaminants, particulate, odour, noise, light, vibration, and other emissions.

The regulation of industrial manufacturers, producers, and OEMs aims to ensure compliance with air quality standards and often includes approval terms and conditions and prescribed emission limits. In addition, air emitters may also be required by government-issued permits and approvals to measure and adopt technical solutions to address adverse effects and nuisances.

Non-compliance with air laws may give rise to regulatory orders, regulatory prosecutions, and lawsuits.

Our lawyers help clients navigate the complex and technical regulatory regime that applies to air emissions across Canadian jurisdictions.

Air law expertise

At Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers, our lawyers guide clients through Canada’s complex air regulatory frameworks by assisting with regulatory approvals for air emissions and related pollutants. We represent energy producers, industrial manufacturers, OEMs, and other emitters with permitting, negotiations with regulators, and regulatory and civil proceedings, including litigation when necessary.

Our environmental lawyers assist clients with:

  • approval requirements, exemptions, permit-by-rule, and multi-media approvals
  • approval applications including stationary, flexible, and site-wide permits
  • emissions inventories including understanding emission dispersion modelling
  • nuisances including odour, noise, light, vibration and other nuisances
  • federal, provincial, municipal, and public consultations
  • land use planning including addressing land use in compatibility concerns
  • appeals of regulatory orders and approvals, licences and permits
  • defence of regulatory prosections
  • prosecution or defence of civil lawsuits.

Contact our environmental lawyers today

Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers has offices in Calgary, Ottawa, Toronto, and Yellowknife. Our lawyers are called to the Bar in Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nunavut, Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Ontario.

To speak with an environmental lawyer, contact us today.
