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Environment • Aboriginal • Energy

Renewable Energy Service


Our Energy Law practitioners provide representation and advice to proponents in planning, structuring and implementing renewable energy projects. Our work also includes advice on transmission projects. Our lawyers represent clients at the Ontario Energy Board on regulatory matters, to the Ministry of Environment on project approvals and to courts and tribunals on appeals and administrative challenges.

We understand the challenges inherent in renewable energy generation for private developers in Ontario. In particular, we have been instrumental in assisting First Nations obtain procurement programs to promote economic development on First Nations lands.

Our involvement with Ontario’s energy demand, supply and conservation planning processes combined with development expertise in this area makes our team unique in its ability to meet client’s needs. 

We have a broad range of experience advising and representing renewable energy developers, equipment suppliers and distributors, land owners and community groups in the following areas 

  • Regulatory approvals for energy generation and transmission projects including renewable energy approval, leave to construct, connection agreements, municipal planning and building permits
  • Project contracts, such as FIT Contracts, development and construction agreements, equipment supply contracts, operation and maintenance agreements, referral arrangements, and Engineering Procurement Contracts
  • Site acquisitions, land leases and interests in lands governed by the Indian Act (Canada)
  • Corporate structure for renewable energy projects on First Nations lands
  • Advocacy and representation on energy policy and regulatory matters

Some of our Recent Projects

  • Advised various First Nations and community proponents on wind power projects for Ontario
  • Advised proponents on various roof top solar project and waterpower projects
  • Advised First Nation joint venture partner in construction of a transmission line
  • Advised on changes of control and assignments for renewable energy developers
  • Advised wind power proponents on regulatory compliance and aboriginal consultation
  • Advised community power groups on advocacy roles in sustainability, conservation, demand management and procurement planning
  • Negotiated settlement with regulators on behalf of a leading company in the renewable energy voluntary market
  • Advised a biomass energy producer on the environmental assessment regulatory compliance requirements under the Electricity Projects Regulation
  • Advised major municipality on the development of standard form power purchase agreements in submissions to the Nova Scotia Department of Energy
  • Intervened on behalf of a professional engineers’ association in a gas fired energy project in Sarnia, at the leave to construct hearing before the Ontario Energy Board, and before the Ontario Municipal Board
  • Intervened in energy planning, rates approval, Demand Side Management and Conservation Demand Management hearings at the Ontario Energy Board
  • Advised biomass supplier on environmental assessment and on Ontario Power Generation’s request for expressions of interest
  • Advised on policy and legislative considerations for co-generation pilot projects for adaptive re-use of by-products

Recent Publications

Our Services